Thursday, March 5, 2009

March Break Ideas

I am trying to think of cheap ways to spend the March Break this year. My husband will be working out of town all week so we won't be together as a family. I am planning to spend a day with my parents who live out of town. I think I will also take the kids to the pool one afternoon, make Easter crafts, rent a DVD - maybe Madagascar 2, and just getting outside to enjoy the spring weather (hopefully). I also just thought about the time change this weekend so we will probably still be adjusting to that. Please post any ideas.


  1. How about the sugar bush. The kids and I go every year during March break.
    Making play dates with friends, having sleepovers and friends over for dinner is another way to keep the kids excited. My two love it.

  2. The sugar bush is a great idea. My grandpa used to make maple syrup and I remember going to his sugar shack to gather the sap and watch him boil it. Then once it was made into syrup we would pour it over snow and make toffee.
