I came across this photo which was posted on a local radio station's blog and I just had to share it. This is from a funeral of a man in San Yuan who wished to be buried with his motorbike. The undertakers presented him in this fashion at his funeral. I'm not sure how I would react to this. Its definitely unique and personal but it may be too creepy for some to actually view in person. I couldn't imagine going to my grandma's funeral and seeing her sitting at a table quilting (which she loved to do) or going to my grandfather's funeral and seeing him playing cards which was his favourite hobby. I do however believe that people should be dressed in whatever was comfortable for them. We feel the need to dress up our loved ones for the viewing even though that person may have hated wearing suits or dressing up. For me, I would be happy to be buried in my favourite jeans and t-shirt. When you see your loved one in a casket, its peaceful and it gives you a sense of closure. I just don't know if viewing someone situated like this would do that.

That would seriously freak me out. I would not be able to approach the man or the bike. It's freaky just looking at the picture and knowing he's dead.
ReplyDeleteYou're right about this one. It's kind of creepy. I guess people should have it any way they want it though. I'd be more comfortable with something quite a bit more traditional.
ReplyDeleteI guess this is the modern version of the past centuries where they dressed the dead and photographed as if they were alive, some were standing together with their loved ones and the eyes were glued open or if not possible, they painted or draw an eyeball. LOL.. and yes it's creeeepppyyyy!
ReplyDeleteThat is super extra creepy!